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Commodore Connections January 2025

Posted Date: 1/05/25 (11:26 PM)

Commodore Connections 2025
Community Updates
January 6, 2025
Welcome Back
I hope everyone had an enjoyable, relaxing, or adventurous winter break! We all needed some time away from the busy, daily schedules of school to spend quality time with friends and family. As we return, please help your students get organized for school and to make the transition back a little easier and more productive. Sleep and setting alarms is a start...and the hardest part after a break. Our staff also feels the adjustment and will support all of our students as well getting back into their routines. It is always fun and energizing for our community to come back together!!

As a district, we will be addressing our budget challenges the next couple of months and we're seeking community input and feedback. Superintendent Amii Thomspon will be hosting several small focus group conversations this next month. This Tuesday, Jan. 7th, we have a Commodore one scheduled on campus. Please sign up on this link to attend: Commodore Community Meeting on Tuesday, January 7th from 1-2 p.m. 

January will be full of information nights, program tours, and ending first semester strong for 7th-12th graders. We continue to plan for growth, enhance program offerings, and seek creative ways to support all of our students.

Thank you all for your support and commitment to COS K-12! Cheers to 2025!
Tricia Corsetti, Principal
Commodore Options K-12 News and Updates
  1. Odyssey K-6 Lunch Adjustments: We will be changing to K-2 students eating lunch together first to support peer relationships and supervision. Our 3rd-6th graders will continue with recess first, then lunch. We will continue to adjust to support a quieter lunch room, student support and supervised recesses. Thank you.
  2. A friendly reminder to our Odyssey 7/8 families...we follow the K-6 conference schedule this year, so our 7th-8th grade students will have regular classes Jan. 22-24th with K-6 students, but no school with K-6 for Feb. 12-14 conferences. This support our K-8 program and families. More info to come.
  3. We have three active and supportive PTOs in our building. Thank you for your support. PLEASE DONATE AT THIS LINK!
  4. Bainbridge Schools Foundation (BSF) helps to support ALL of our schools by funding intervention, innovative programs, and BISD budget support. PLEASE DONATE TO SUPPORT OUR SCHOOLS! Watch the video to learn more about "bridging the gap"! Thank you! I am the principal rep and appreciate their commitment to BISD.
  5. We are moving up our COS K-12 Information Nights and tours in January to share the wonderful options we provide for BISD students. Spread the word...visit our updated website with enrollment information. More to come!
Family Resources
If you have any questions about supporting your child at school, please reach out to their classroom teacher. We all want every student to feel valued, seen, supported, and cared for at COS K-12. Your partnership is essential for raising good humans and helping our students to engage, problem solve, and grow!

Bainbridge Youth Services: Offers free and confidential youth counseling, parenting support classes and counseling services, in addition to free tutoring. Please check out the wonderful services of BYS.

Please review the BISD Family Handbook for all information regarding policies, procedures, schedules, and community resources.
Upcoming Events
Please follow the BISD website for upcoming events, school schedules, and calendar items.

1/6/25 First Day Back in 2025!
1/15/25 BISD Kindergarten Information Night 6:00 pm at Halilts
1/20/25 MLK Day, No School, and the Young People's March for Peace and Kindness
1/22/25 Odyssey K-8 & Mosaic K-8 Information Night at 6:00-7:30 (program presentations will begin at 6:15) Co-LAB will also be accepting applications as well for 2025-26.
1/22/25-1/24/25 End of First Semester for 7th-12th (see adjusted schedules for finals and early release) Odyssey 7th-8th has school.
1/27/25 2nd Semester Begins
2/11/25 EHHS Information Night 6:30

Contact info
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. We look forward to a wonderful 2024-25 academic year! We communicate to each program through Parent Square, so please keep emails updated and you can choose your school preferences.