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Hoonan, Barry


Mr. Barry Hoonan

5th and 6th Grade 206-842-0435

About Me

Hi, I teach fifth and sixth grade at Odyssey Multiage Program. When I am not teaching kids, walking my dog, or enjoying my partner, Jing, I am writing and working with teachers both in the U.S. and internationally.

Teaching is my great passion. I have had appointments as a three-time Fulbright Teaching Exchange teacher in the United Kingdom, a teaching fellow at Harlem Village Academy in NYC, and a teacher-consultant at the American School of Brasilia. I am a co-author of What are You Grouping For? (Corwin, 2018), Beyond Reading and Writing: Inquiry, Curriculum, and Multiple Ways of Knowing (NCTE, 2000), and a recipient of NCTE’s Edward Hoey Award and of the Bonnie Campbell Hill Washington State Literacy Award.

I wear a smile every day, or try, and I remind students that 'humor is an intelligent behavior’.