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Miller, Siri


Siri Miller

Art 206-780-1658

About Me

Welcome to the Art Room!

A little about me: I grew up in the Washington, DC area and moved to the Pacific Northwest in 2004. After living in Seattle for 13 years, my family and I moved to Bainbridge in 2017. I live in an old farmhouse with my husband and three children. We love to spend time outdoors, hang out with our chickens, work in the garden, take trips to the beach, and make ART.

I graduated from Macalester College in 1999, majoring in Studio Art and Arts Education. Over the years I have taught art classes in Minnesota, Virginia and Washington State. I love working at Commodore. The students' creativity is inspiring and the K-12 aspect keeps me on my toes!

Classroom studio classes focus on the Washington State Standards of CREATING, PRODUCING, RESPONDING and CONNECTING. We focus on learning through a hands-on approach to materials, offering a wide variety of materials to students from clay to wire, pastels to printmaking. We learn to look at art, talk about what we see, and talk about what we made. PROGRAMS:

Odyssey K-8: Students will visit the art studio during their enrichment times. Contact your classroom teacher for specific days and times.

Mosaic K-8: We will offer enrichment classes when students are on campus.

Eagle Harbor: Production Arts I, II, and III; Ceramics I, II, and III