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EHHS Attendance Policies

Classes and advisories will take attendance using a computerized system within 15 minutes of the start of the period. If the student arrives more than 15 minutes late, an automated phone call home is initiated. Absences and tardies must be called into the attendance line, 206-780-1660, by the student's parent or guardian within three days of the absence. A phone call is preferred over hand-written excuses. Students that are 18 years old must complete the absence verification statement available in the office. Parents can check attendance and other district records through Family Access.



All students arriving late or leaving early will be signed in or out in the main office. Students arriving late without an excuse from their parent/guardian are considered tardy. Any students arriving late for class will be marked down in their "participation" grade. Three tardies count as one unexcused absence.

All absences for classes and contract meetings should be called into the attendance line prior to the absence. Unexcused absences not phoned in by three days after the absence will stay unexcused unless a parent/guardian conference is held. Class participation is critical to passing courses. If a student misses more than 10 class days (excused and/or unexcused) within a semester, credit and grade for the class is jeopardized. In addition to the effects on grades, more than 5 unexcused absences may require action by the principal in accordance with truancy laws. 


Students who have unexcused absences are considered truant and fall under the BECCA bill for intervention. More than three unexcused absences can result in a truancy petition being filed. At five unexcused absences, a meeting with the principal and counselor will be called.


Independent contracts require time logs to show attendance. Attendance is determined by presence at the weekly contract meetings; by reporting hours as determined by the "Written Student Learning Plan" (WSLP); and by demonstrating completed work. For a meeting absence to be excused, the student's parent must contact the attendance line and the advisor. The first and second unexcused absence from a meeting will be followed up by a phone call or email, and the third by a letter from the advisor notifying the student of the danger of being dropped from the contract.  Remember it is your responsibility to contact your advisor if you need to postpone or reschedule a weekly meeting.


Eighteen-year-old students wishing to excuse their own absences will be required to fill out a form available in the school office. This requires the student to verify in writing the reasons for and authenticity of the absence. If the reason for the absence is not considered excused according to policy definition or if it is found that the reason listed was not authentic, the absence will be considered unexcused and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.