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Commodore Connections December Updates

Posted Date: 12/13/24 (11:06 PM)

Commodore Connections 2024-25
Community Updates
December 13, 2024
spirit week
December Joy
We have one more full week of school before our two week winter break! I hope everyone is able to take time for some winter adventures or enjoy celebrations with friends and family. When we return, it will be 2025 already!!

Please see the K-12 BISD Spirit Week days if your students choose to participate. And I am sure many of our students are busy in winter performances, Nutcrackers, and winter sports which are wonderful ways to keep students busy during the cold, winter days.

I hope everyone enjoys winter break, stays healthy, and rests up for 2025 and the end of first semester. January will be full of information nights, program tours, and ending first semester strong for 7th-12th graders. We continue to plan for growth, enhance program offerings, and seek creative ways to support all of our students.

Thank you all for your commitment to COS K-12!
Tricia Corsetti, Principal
Commodore Options K-12 News and Updates
  1. Staff Updates: We want to wish Margie, our amazing Kindergarten para and lunch supervisor, a wonderful "retirement". She will be missed! And please welcome, Rob Beck, our new evening custodian and Lindsay Nolan, our new para in Co-LAB! Welcome to Team Commodore!
  2. Please check our growing LOST & FOUND by the music room. Lots of good things needing to find their kiddos! We will donate remaining items after 12/20.
  3. We have three active and supportive PTOs in our building. Thank you for your support. PLEASE DONATE AT THIS LINK!
  4. Bainbridge Schools Foundation (BSF) helps to support ALL of our schools by funding intervention, innovative programs, and BISD budget support. PLEASE DONATE TO SUPPORT OUR SCHOOLS! Watch the video to learn more about "bridging the gap"! Thank you! I am the principal rep and appreciate their commitment to BISD.
  5. We are moving up our COS K-12 Information Nights and tours in January to share the wonderful options we provide for BISD students. Spread the word...visit our updated website with enrollment information. More to come!
Family Resources
If you have any questions about supporting your child at school, please reach out to their classroom teacher. We all want every student to feel valued, seen, supported, and cared for at COS K-12. Your partnership is essential for raising good humans and helping our students to engage, problem solve, and grow!

Helpline House offers Kids' Pantry Bags to provide youth with food during Winter Break. Each bag provides enough food for one youth for a week. Bags can be picked up between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays. Helpline is closed on Wednesdays and Christmas & New Year's Day. Helpline House is located at 282 Knechtel Way, NE. Kids Pantry Bags can also be delivered if you email Sarah Frost prior to December 20th. Additional information: Helpline House Kids' Pantry 

Bainbridge Youth Services: Offers free and confidential youth counseling, parenting support classes and counseling services, in addition to free tutoring. Please check out the wonderful services of BYS.

Please review the BISD Family Handbook for all information regarding policies, procedures, schedules, and community resources.
Upcoming Events
Please follow the BISD website for upcoming events, school schedules, and calendar items.
12/21/24 Winter Solstice 2024
12/23-1/3/25 Winter Break
1/6/25 First Day Back in 2025!
1/15/25 BISD Kindergarten Information Night
1/20/25 MLK Day, No School, and the Young People's March for Peace and Kindness
1/22/25 Odyssey K-8 & Mosaic K-8 Information Night at 6:00-7:30 (program presentations will begin at 6:15)
1/22/25-1/24/25 End of First Semester for 7th-12th (see adjusted schedules for finals and early release)
1/27/25 2nd Semester Begins

Contact info
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. We look forward to a wonderful 2024-25 academic year! We communicate to each program through Parent Square, so please keep emails updated and you can choose your school preferences.