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Commodore Connections November: Gratitude

Posted Date: 11/22/24 (1:23 AM)

Commodore Connections 2024-25
Community Updates
November 22, 2024
Gratitude and Community
I hope everyone is able to take time next week to connect with family, friends, and your community to celebrate together. Filling our hearts with gratitude and focusing on what matters in our lives is so important. Being thankful for the challenges, the opportunities, and relationships helps all of us to grow and thrive. Take care of yourselves and one another. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

As a staff, we are grateful, thankful, and appreciate ALL of your support and generosity daily!

Thank you all for your commitment to COS K-12!
Tricia Corsetti, Principal
(Photos: Turkey Day with Trish & the 3/4 Used Book Fundraiser!!)
Commodore Options K-12 News and Updates
  1. Thanks to Serena's 3rd/4th students for organizing a used book sale to support a local non-profit, Rewild Rescue.
  2. Please check our growing LOST & FOUND by the music room. Lots of good things needing to find their kiddos!
  3. We have three active and supportive PTOs in our building. Thank you for your support. PLEASE DONATE AT THIS LINK!
  4. Bainbridge Schools Foundation (BSF) helps to support ALL of our schools by funding intervention, innovative programs, and BISD budget support. PLEASE DONATE TO SUPPORT OUR SCHOOLS! Watch the video to learn more about "bridging the gap"! Thank you! I am the principal rep and appreciate their commitment to BISD.
  5. Safety and security requests have been shared with Dane Fenwick, BISD Facilities Director, and we will have some projects completed winter break.
Family Resources
If you have any questions about supporting your child at school, please reach out to their classroom teacher. We all want every student to feel valued, seen, supported, and cared for at COS K-12. Your partnership is essential for raising good humans and helping our students to engage, problem solve, and grow!

Bainbridge Youth Services: Offers free and confidential youth counseling, parenting support classes and counseling services, in addition to free tutoring. Please check out the wonderful services of BYS.

Popular Parenting Podcasts:
Raising Good Humans with Dr. Aliza
Ask Lisa: The Psychology of Parenting
Example calendar with dates pinned
Upcoming Events
Please follow the BISD website for upcoming events, school schedules, and calendar items.

11/27-29 Thanksgiving Holiday: NO SCHOOL
12/7/24 Odyssey Winter Market
12/23-1/3/25 Winter Break
1/6/25 First Day Back in 2025!

Contact info
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. We look forward to a wonderful 2024-25 academic year! We communicate to each program through Parent Square, so please keep emails updated and you can choose your school preferences.